Google Chrome
The Internet Browser

on this tutorial, you will know what google chrome is and how to install it and use it as your browser to surf the internet.
What is Chrome?
Google Chrome is a web browser that made by Google to run on Microsoft Windows in 2008. Later on it was released on Linux, MacOS, IOS and Android.
How to use chrome?
The answer to this question is by downloading it from google.
Downloading google chrome
To download chrome you have to go to google.com/chrome as showing below

By clicking on the blue download chrome button it will show you the Google Chrome Terms of Service to proceed click on accept and install as showed.

Then select where to save the file and the download will be complete.
How to install chrome on my windows device?
By navigating to the path you have chosen to the program to be saved click on the program to start the process of installing

After clicking on the icon please follow the instructions and continue the installation.
By the end of the installation you google chrome browser will be ready to use.
Setup & using Google Chrome
after the installation is done and opening the Chrome browser, this is how it is going to look like on your computer.
Follow the instruction on the startup page if you wish to make Chrome your default browser.
Click continue to proceed

To customise the settings of chrome please click on the three dots on the top right corner and choose settings.

In the settings menu, you will find some different settings to customise the way you prefer. After you finish setting up the settings you are ready to surf the internet.